Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Buoyant or Negativley Buoyant

 Yesterday  kea did an experiment.The experiment was to see what materials will sink/float.

First we were given a paper to write down our hypothesis of what materials will sink/float.Then we got ten materials that we were going to use in water.

Next we had to go outside to attempt the  experiment.But we had to write down all the materials we had gathered around the class.

Lastly we had to find a tub that was available for my group to try our experiment in.After we found a tub we slowly put our materials in so we could watch if there was a chemical reaction happening.But when we saw the results we were all shocked because our hypothesis was wrong.Almost every item we had got had floated.

     Have you ever attempted to try an experiment 

                                   By siale

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Persuading people

 Hi bloggers today we were learning how to Persuade people.

So we had to get a picture from explore and put it on a slide then we had to 

get another slide and write why you want a person to come  at a place you like 

or a place you know.Then you have to go to file and publish to the web then you press embed.

After that you go on your blog and copy that on html. This was my blog post and i hope 

hope you injoied it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Bucket fillling and Bucket dipping

Hi today we were learning about bucket dipping and bucket filling

bucket dipping is being mean to someone or saying bad things to them.

Bucket filling is beaing nice to someone and beaing king to them.

for example you could invite the new kid in school to come and play with you.

Have u filled a bucket today?

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Celebrating a win in soocer

We were making pictures of us in a video to see if it is real or fake
do you think this is real or fake?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Science fair experiment

Hi my name is Siale and my groups' science fair question is what causes the biggest chemical reaction?
In my group, my team members are Haydara, Foki, Fane, and Heleina.

In the science project me and my group each had a role to play. Haydaras role was  to see if anyone had any questions. Next was Fane she was the scientist she had to explain the board to people who came to our station. Then it was Foki he was the experimenter he had to make volcanoes erupt by putting vinegar and food colouring in a little plastic cup and put water in side. Then he had to tip it all in the sand volcanoes the the little kids made. Last was Heleina she was the second scientist.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Going to the sky city

On Friday me and kea went to the sky city.

First we had to were these rwist bands. We had to put the rist bands on and see if anyone needed to go to the toilet and most of the boys did so the boys that needed to go had to go with a parent and  a teacher.

Then after that we had wash our hands. Then go back to the tables . 
Next we had to wait at some other tables but while we were waiting
 everybody saw baby you traced in sticky notes.

Then after that we went into this dark room it was as dark as going into a movie theater.Then after that we went to a hall way were there was all the players that ever played for all blacks . It was such a cool experience!